Tuesday, March 4, 2025

January 1-15, 2025 Happy New Year! And More

1-Wed-We started out the New Year by watching the Rose Parade. We completed our daily chores and had lunch. Then we watched football. We were able to take a walk today and since it was warm we decided to take down our outside lights. Then we watched the end of the Texas and Arizona State games. It had two overtimes, so that was exciting. Texas finally won. I made chicken soup for supper. 

2-Thu-We started out slow this morning with some TV, then we got dressed and made our bed. Our next chore was to take down the inside Christmas decorations and the tree. We also took a walk. Later we worked on bills and updated Quicken. Then we spent some time looking at RV’s on the computer. We watched two movies on Amazon, The Holdovers and Boys in the Boat. We enjoyed them. 

3-Fri-We started out with  all the routine things today. Steve checked the anti-freeze in the vehicles and it was good. We are supposed to get some really cold weather, so we wanted to be prepared. We picked up the mail and sent Steve’s sister a birthday card. Then we went and got the oil changed in the car and pickup. We paid $100 for both vehicles. We decided to go to the casino in town and when we left we were ahead about $50. Supper was cube steak, french fries, salad and berries. 

4-Sat-We did our aerobic exercise this morning. We changed the sheets on our bed. It is quite a process!. We then washed the sheets. Later we took a walk and watched football. I made roast, potatoes, carrots and berries for supper.

5-Sun-Well the weather changed today. So it was an inside day. We watched football. We had snow and cold weather. 

6-Mon-We were up a little earlier today. We let for the OKC VA at 8:00 AM. Steve had an appointment at 10:00 and we were done at 10:20. We checked on Steve’s VA Health ID. We have it. I didn’t remember that it had arrived in the mail. Then we went to Costco and bought a membership and did some shopping. We arrive home about 1:00. Then we rested. Supper was chili, Tostitos and berries.

It was 9 degrees when we left for OKC

7-Tue-We were up early again today. We did chores. Our lunch was leftover chili. Then we went and picked up the mail and stopped at Linda’s and Homeland. Later I helped Kristi with her resume and job search. We watched some TV and I took a short nap. Supper was at La Macarena with Linda and Hazel.

A pretty moon picture

8-Wed-We were up at a good time today. After doing our routine things. We got ready to go to Stillwater to Walmart. Steve also fixed the hall closet door. It’s one of those folding doors and needed new hardware. We had fish, fries, salad and berries for supper.

9-Thu-We got up and had breakfast. It is snowing! We went to the post office before the snow piled up. Then it was back home. Steve worked on his music and I worked on the blog. We watched it snow. Later we watched Penn State and Notre Dame play football. Notre Dame won. We watched a movie. Supper was chicken, roasted cauliflower, salad and berries. 

10-Fri-I woke up early at 7:30 because I didn’t sleep well. Today Steve was supposed to have an appointment at Stillwater VA, but we had quite a bit of snow. So we decided to cancel/re-schedule his primary care appointment. We called the VA number and were on hold 15 minutes. The clinics don’t open until 10 AM - so we cancelled and re-scheduled for Jan 31. Supper was chicken noodle soup (mix) and crackers, and berries.

11-Sat-We had a slow start today. We worked on cleaning out and organizing the hall closet. Then we watched some TV. We took a short walk to the stop sign. Then we watched football. We did make a run to get the mail and shop at Homeland for a few items. I made turkey burgers, fries, mixed vegetables and berries for supper. 

12-Sun-It was a routine morning. I took it easy and later we did our routine chores. After lunch we watched Buffalo beat Denver and the Eagles beat Green Bay. It was football most of the day. We did get in a walk today.

13-Mon-This morning started out with a message from Austyn about her car. She needed to ask her papa about what to do. We got a call about Steve’s MRI and filled out their paperwork. We did laundry and folded and ;put away clothes. We left for OKC about 3:40 and arrived at 4:30 The MRI was at 5:15 and we left at 6:45. We were home by 7:30. We stopped on our way into town to get hamburgers at Braum’s.

More moon pics

14-Tue-After breakfast we got around. We headed to Stillwater to pick up the orthotics for Steve. We were back home by 11 AM. We did a few errands in Perry, mail, Homeland, and the dollar store. At home I completed the travel claim and paid for our pikepass. After lunch went to Linda’s for hairdos. I made two appointments, mammogram and dermatology. We had supper at La Macarena with Linda and Hazel.

15-Wed-After completing the routine things. I typed up a list of Steve’s music title into an excel spreadsheet. Steve and I had lunch. Then we walked the dogs. It was back to the music list for more work. Supper was roast, potatoes, carrots and berries. 

Friday, January 24, 2025

December 16 - 31, 2024 Celebrations: Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday Steve and Happy New Year!

16-Mon-We did all the morning things. Then it was back to tying the second quilt. We completed it! Next we sewed the binding on the quilts. Lunch was leftovers from last night. We got the binding sewed on both the quilts! I can’t believe they are both finished ! And before Christmas! WooHoo! 

Quilt #1

Poopsie likes the quilt

Quilt #2

17-Tue-Today Steve worked on fixing the fan actuator in my car. He didn’t really need my help but i did check on him from time to time. It was in a hard place to get to - under the glove compartment.I’m not sure what else I did. Tonight we ate at La Macarena with Linda and Hazel.

18-Wed-We got around and then went to the post office, bank and the Boomerang. We were getting  cash and gift cards for Christmas. When we got home we straitened the sewing room and clean up the bathroom. The guys showed up to put the metal rood on our big shed. Interestingly enough, we did not get notified that they we coming. 

This is Steve and an item we bought at the craft fair. It holds your soup bowl. We love them!

19-Thu-Today I did not feel good. Steve cleaned the stove and vacuumed cobwebs. We skipped lunch and went to Walmart for Christmas groceries. Then we got a frosty at Wendy’s. We got home and unloaded all the groceries. I went to Thorn’s and ordered flowers for Marsha & Tony and two other presents. I delivered the presents to Hazel and Linda. Then we went home and took it easy.

Decorations in Hazel's yard

20-Fri-We got up and around this morning. We were ready to leave for Bartlesville and got in the car and it said I had a low tire. So we tried to air it up at a machine for $1.25 (no free air anymore). That didn’t work, so we went back home and used our air compressor. It was about 11:00 AM when we left for Bartlesville. We arrived at Pam & JC’s house about 1:00 PM. Pam was very sleepy. We did go to Chili’s for lunch. Then we went to Paige’s house and I gave everyone their Christmas presents. We ate snacks for  supper.

21-Sat-We worked on more cleaning and straitening of the sewing room . I finished wrapping a few more presents. Steve replaced the water filter in the kitchen. Then we worked on Logan’s wedding pictures. We are going to make them a book of their wedding pictures on Shutterfly. We also watched football. Supper was Chicken Pot Pie and berries.

22-Sun-We watched football today. Later we took a walk. We ate leftovers for lunch. Then more football. We worked on the book of Logan’s wedding pictures. We ate breakfast for supper tonight.

23-Mon-Today was a busy for us. I started shampooing the carpet. We also worked on the laundry. Steve did the floor in the bathroom. I also paid a few bills. We watched the Green Bay packers win their game tonight. They beat the Saints. Supper was pizza!

24-Tue-I didn’t sleep good last night!. After breakfast I went to the Dollar Store, Linda’s, and the post office. Also we hit up Homeland, Shell (for gas the car)  and the cash machine. When we ran all our errands we went home and started cooking. We made cookies, pink party salad, breakfast casserole and other stuff for Christmas Day. We played some games before going out for supper. We all went to La Macarena. The dining out party was Me, Steve, Kristi & John, Austyn & Sky. We also decided to open all our presents tonight. 

Our Christmas Tree

Kristi & John in matching pajamas!

Steve with a Christmas Story(movie) bobblehead

Sky & Austyn

Steve & Austyn in matching overalls

25-Wed-Merry Christmas! First  we got the turkey breasts ready and into the oven. Then I fixed Green Bean Casserole, Stuffing, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy,Crescent Rolls. I also put out snacks - cheese & Crackers, Chex mix, cookies, etc. We ate our big meal about 1;00. It was yummy. Logan, Cielo and Mariana arrive about 3:00 PM and opened their presents. We showed Logan and Cielo the wedding picture book and they liked it. So I will order it soon. Everybody had to work Thursday - So they all had to go home. Steve & I just snacked for supper.

Kristi & Mariana

Cielo, Mariana, Logan


Mariana & Logan

Mariana & baby doll

26-Thu-OK It was another routine day. I didn’t make any notes today. It was a rest and relaxation day.

27-Fri-I have a little bug running around in my head. I would like a different RV, maybe. So I got on the computer and looked around. We also worked on the RV heater. I went shopping to get Steve a birthday present. We also picked up the mail, went to the dollar store, Braum’s bank and Homeland. Then we watched some TV. Supper was Chicken Parmesan, baked potatoes, and berries.

My sister got us this mat. It says Welcome to Our Campsite, The Klingers.

28-Sat-Poor Steve, He woke up at 4:30 AM. I sent him back to bed after we had breakfast. We left at 10:30 for Yukon. We are celebrating Steve’s birthday today (a day early). We went to Kristi’s and then we all went to Hideaway for Pizza. Next we returned to Kristi’s and had cake and ice cream. Logan, John, and Cielo put together the swing we got for Kristi & John for Christmas. We enjoyed getting together with everyone again. The baby was so much fun. We left about 4 PM and stopped my McClain’s RV in OKC. We toured 2 RV’s. One had a bad floor and the other was brand new. So we did not buy anything!

John & Kristi, Mariana

Mariana, Cielo, Logan, Steve

Steve & I

Steve opening present

Cielo, Mariana, Steve - all wearing their overalls!

Kristi, Mariana & John in the new swing

Mariana taking it easy on the swing!

29-Sun-I was up early for me this morning  - 6:00AM! I slept in the chair some. Then we watched the Cowboys and Eagles. Dallas got beat. Then we watched Green Bay lose their game also. We had chili and tostitos for supper.

30-Mon-This morning we caught up watching the series “1929”. We are enjoying it. Then it was on to laundry. We also had trouble with our Amazon remote and fiddled with all the TV parts (TV, box, speaker bar, etc.) Steve put the RV heater cover back on and it was working Ok. Lunch was leftovers. We watched TV and had hamburgers and french fries tonight. 

31-Tue-I was up about 8 this morning. We had breakfast and some TV til 10 AM. Then we made our bed and got dressed. It was off to Walmart today to get groceries. Then we went back home and unloaded stuff and had lunch. Steve & I had our supper at La Macarena - just the two of us. Then we watched the New Year’s shows and saw the new year in!

December 1-15, 2024 Preparations Underway for Christmas

1-Sun-Today was pretty much more of the same. We watched football, took a walk and worked on the Quilt. I was cutting and lay out pieces for the quilt. Supper was cube steak, french fries, salad and berries.

2-Mon-Today we were up and around. We went to the VA in OKC for an appointment with the pain management doctor. Then we met up with Kristi at Bubba’s 33 for lunch. After that we headed home. At home we did some work around the house and rested. Super was a hamburger, potato, salad and berries.

3-Tues-We had our breakfast and watched some TV. Then we made the bed and got dressed after showers. Then we worked on the quilt. We had supper at La Macarena with Linda  and Hazel.

4-Wed-We got around and went to Stillwater after completing our morning routine. Our first stop was at Lowe’s where we got two presents. Then we went to Walmart for groceries. We returned home and put away our stuff. Steve removed screens from three of the windows. This is a part of the repairs from the storm. The insurance is paying for new screens on all the windows. But they are hard to remove, so Steve is doing that. 

5-Thu-A pretty routine day here. I added more strips to the quilt. Steve helps me and that makes the work go faster. Supper was sloppy joes, french fries, salad and berries.

6-Fri-We had a big announcement from Logan at Thanksgiving. He and Cielo are getting married. Today is the big day. He wanted Steve to take pictures, so we got ready  and left for OKC. It took a while to find the Courthouse Chapel. We had to pay for parking because it’s downtown OKC. We are not used to paying for parking. Steve took some pictures, then we went to Bricktown Brewery to eat. He wanted to have pictures taken at the Oklahoma Art Museum- but there was a sign that said private property and a chain was up. So we moved the picture taking to the Myriad Gardens downtown OKC. The pictures turned out nice!

7-Sat-Today’s project was putting up the Christmas Tree. We also wrapped some presents and watched football. Supper was Chicken enchiladas, salad and berries.

8-Sun-Well today got off to a slow start. After lunch Steve took off some more screens. I wrapped some presents. Then we went on the Christmas Tour of Homes. That was nice. Our town sells tickets for this tour. It is a fundraising project for the lights downtown. Then homeowners decorate their houses and people who have bought tickets, get to tour the homes. We had leftovers for supper.

9-Mon-We were up a little earlier today because we are headed to OKC for Steve’s annual MS appointment. We left at 8:00 AM and arrived a little after 9:00 AM. We waited in the parking lot a while then went inside. We got called back and Steve had all his tests/exam. When we got  home we rested. These appointments take a a bit out of us. Supper was from Braum’s, a hamburger and fries. 

10-Tue-Today we had another appointment at Stillwater. We went to get Steve’s Orthotics ordered at Stillwater. Then we went shopping at Alto and Shoe Sensations. Yes, I got another pair of shoes - Skecher - Go Walk. We also went to Hobby Lobby for the remained of quilting supplies I needed. We ate lunch at Chic FaIl A. Then there was a stop at Walmart before we went home. We put away all the stuff and rested. I attended the book club tonight and then we joined Linda  and Hazel for supper. 

11-Wed-Today we did all the routine things. Then we paid bills, answered emails, and caught up on Quicken. Steve worked on getting the window screens off. I also ordered a new Champ VA Card. Super was chili, chips and berries. 

12-Thu-We were up at 7:30, we did our usual things this morning. Then we wrapped presents and worked on the quilt. I did a load of laundry. Steve took off the last two screens. I also had a haircut today.

13-Fri-Well today is Friday the 13th. I hope everything goes OK for everyone. Today it was back to work on the quilt. We first measured and sewed the quilt batting and positioned the tops and backing. Then we started tying today. That went on from 10:45 to 12:30. Then after lunch it was more tying 1:30 - 4:00. I made an easy supper of ham and eggs.

14-Sat-After getting around today we were off to Walmart for supplies. Then it was back home to work on the quilts. There was measuring pinning, sewing, tying, etc. Supper was chicken parmesan, couscous, mixed vegetables and berries. 

15-Sun-Today we worked on tying the quilts. We actually finished one quilt and worked on the other one. Later we watched Dallas finish a football game. Supper was roast, potatoes, carrots and berries.