Thursday, October 17, 2024

May 16- 31, 2024 Starting off the Season at Echo Lake Montana

16-Thu-After we did all the usual things, we just hung out. It was windy today, which is unusual most of the time here. Sydney came by and stayed about 30 minutes. We had our lunch and then watched TV. I did some work on the computer. Later we walked the dogs around he parking lot. We don’t do this unless few people are here because our dogs are not social.

17-Fri-Another routine morning. It was wind and it rained on us a little during our walk. Steve thought he saw two (2) snowflakes. Then we completed Steve’s genius idea of putting this strong tape down on the bed foam and mattress pad to keep them from shifting so much. Some of these things drive him crazy, me I don’t notice much. We had lunch and Tony P was here. He had me sign a paper for the volunteer stipend money. We get $25/week this year. It is a stipend, no taxes. This is the first year for this here. We just hung out and took it easy because it was windy, and chilly with rain off and on.

10:00 PM Sundown

18-Sat-After the morning routine we did some weed eating in the east corner of the parking lot and the triangle at the top of the road. Steve worked on trying to fill the holes in the road where the trailer hit the shed and then dug into the road to get out. Next we were just relaxing and watching some TV. I made Chili for supper, Yum!

Tiny Yellow Flowers

These boys circled the parking lot. They are skateboards with motors and one wheel

Wild turkeys

19-Sun-We got up at 9 this morning it was 41, yikes! That’s a little too cold. So we stayed in until it warmed up the  we walked. I did fix my hair and we went to town to haul off the trash  and go to the grocery store. Our luck was chili nachos, which were yummy! I talked to Marsha and did some other routine chores. Supper was soup. When it is cold/chilly I love to make soup or chili. 


I sent this pic to our boss. I had on my long underwear. I told him we call this winter in Oklahoma.

Swans swimming by the causeway


20-Mon-We were up at 8AM and it was 41° again. So we relaxed awhile before we took our walk and completed the chores. Later we put up our perimeter rope to keep people out of our site. Sometimes it works, and sometimes they come through anyway. But not many do that. A guy wanted to know if we had diesel I said not. We offered to give him a ride to the gas station but he said he was OK. Then we dumped our tanks and putzed.

21-Tue-Today we were not busy. We went to town and did laundry after lunch. We were home by 3 PM. Then it was rest and TV. Supper was sloppy joes and chips. 

This is our view as we cross the causeway. There are three swans if you look hard.

22-Wed-Today it rained most of the day. After breakfast, I returned to bed and finished reading a book. Then it was hang out and do a few short walks for the dogs. When it is raining too much they don’t like to go out. So we put out the awning for them. Poopsie sometimes goes under the RV to do her business. She figured that out all on her own. 

23-Thu-It was a beautiful sunny morning. We did all the morning routines, like breakfast, make the bed, dress, walk and chores. Then we gathered the trash up and headed to Walmart at Kalispell. They have container sites here  (so bears can’t get the trash) that have 6 four chain link fences around them with barbed wire. So we drop our trash off there when headed that way. We got him and had lunch. The trip to Walmart and unloading the groceries is tiring. Later we watched TV. It rained the afternoon and evening. Supper was cheese and crackers and berries. We love Tilamook cheese and you can alway find it here in Montana.

24-Fri-It was raining most of last night and this morning. After breakfast we watched TV and listened to the rain. we didn’t get dressed until about noon. We walked the dogs and checked the bathroom. It was all good. Later we went to Bigfork to get paint for the trim board and gas for the mower. I also bought some flowers and a bucket to plant them in. I really like having some flowers to take care of while we are here. 

There used to be a huge tree here. It needed cut down. So they carved a goat on top of the stump.

Our pretty scenery

25-Sat-Well it was raining again this morning. It did get sunny about 11 AM. so we did not hurry to get around. We straightened out the speed bump, fixed the one way sign and Steve worked on the potholes in the road a little more. If you don’t know, May and June are usually pretty rainy. But sometimes it is very light rain, like mist and sometimes it gives away to sun.

26-Sun-Again another chilly rainy day. We did our usual routine and then stayed inside most of the day. We did venture into town to the Dairy Queen where we got chicken strip baskets and ice cream. The dogs joined us and took part in the supper. 

A pickup with a kayak in the back almost hit the sign when he backed in to park!

27-Mon-Well it’s Memorial Day! We did all the usual things. Then we noticed a pickup parked taking up lots of space, we we put a note on it to see the camp host. I watched the parking lot from 10:30 to 12:30. Steve painted the trim board that goes on the shed and made a stand for a no parking sign. We monitored the happenings. I was able to talk to the guy who parked wrong. He was older and said it was his first time here. I explained we would get busy and he needs to park in the boat trailer parking. He was agreeable and did not cause a problem.

This is the guy who took up a bunch of parking places.

My flowers I potted.

28-Tue-We were up at 8:30 or so. After breakfast we took a short walk. Steve gave the trim boards another coat of paint. I finished the chores and then we had lunch. Later we did wed eating around the rocks in the parking lot. Steve got the trim board nailed on and it looks great! About 7:45 PM we had a thunderstorm with wind! 

Flowers - Lupine I think

Trim on shed replaced! It looks great!

29-Wed-Another cool, slightly windy day. We did a shorter walk today and completed the chores. I called the boss to let him know we would be headed to Kalispell. We went to Lowes and Walmart. When we got home we put away the groceries and had lunch.Then we took the dogs on a drive. Later I listened to the Glacier Book Club.

As the water comes up in the lake it goes over the dock. Then we let our boss know and he comes and pulls it out.

The no parking sign mad by Steve to replace the one Tony borrowed.

30-Thu-It was a routine morning. It was breezy and cool. We put up a good smelling scent thing in the outdoor bathroom. Most of the day we were inside because it was cool and breezy. Of course I had a nap. I made chili again for supper. It is an easy thing for me to make and it’s always good. 

31-Fri-After we finished our walk Steve tweaked his back. So I did the bathroom chores and parking lot pickup myself. He used heat and ice to try to make it feel better. We also put out the life jackets. 

Monday, October 14, 2024

May 1 - 15, 2024 Preparing and Leaving for Montana

1-We did our morning routine but we both felt yucky. We mowed the back yard. We do this taking turns. After lunch we rested. Later I went to the Post Office, drug store and Homeland. I got some cold medicine. We also packed some clothes in the RV. 

2-Thu-Both of us are feeling bad. Lunch was ramen noodles. Then we rested. I went to Dollar General. We rested some more. It seems we feel better and then worse.

3-Fri-I got scared today, due to a fraud alert. It seems that ATT had a data breech. I even contacted Social Security to discuss what I should do. I was advised to place a fraud alert with  Experian. That will last about one year and it seems to notify you if someone tries to access your accounts.  We also rested because we are still in recovery mode.

4-Sat-We got ready and finished packing the RV. We aren’t feeling perfect, both of us are still coughing some. We left for Amarillo about 10:45 AM and arrived at 4:45 PM. We stayed at AOK Campground. It only costs $20. We got the RV set up and disconnected the pickup. We picked up Steve’s sister, Irene and we all went out to eat at Texas RoadHouse. We had a nice visit and returned to the RV.

Leaving Perry, OK Heading Out!

5-Sun-We did our morning routine. Then we hooked up the pickup and disconnected the utilities. Next we got gas for the RV and headed north and west. We stopped at Pueblo KOA. For supper we had pizza from their campground store.

Dumas, TX Courthouse

Keyes, OK

Keyes, OK

Keyes, OK

Keyes, OK

Welcome to Colorado/1

Windmill, Springfield, CO

Springfield, CO

Springfield, CO

Springfield, CO

Lamar, CO

Pueblo, CO

Pueblo, CO

6-Mon-We listened to the weather and found out how hard the wind was going to blow. That is not good for RV travel. So we decided to stay over another night.  When we were walking the dogs the wind almost blew us over, it was that strong. So today was a resting and relaxing day.

7-Tue-After breakfast and walking the dogs we both took showers at the wind was still crazy. I put Direct TV on vacation. We use Dish in the RV.

8-Wed-We got up and dressed. I fixed my hair and we walked the dogs. We got ready to travel. It was still somewhat windy when we left Pueblo, CO at 10:45. We stopped for gas and the wind finally settled down some. We stopped at Fountain Colorado Walmart for some supplies. We got through Denver without problems, which seems miraculous. The traffic in Denver is is busy and lots of times there is construction.  We also tried to stop at the new Buc-Ee's near Berthoud, CO but there was absolutely no place for RV’s to park. They are not RV friendly at this location. I do not know about other locations. We drove on to Wellington, CO and stayed at the KOA there. We have stayed there before. It’s not bad and its a little less expensive than most KOA’s. 



Mile High Stadium Home of the Broncos!

9-Thu-After getting up and around we had breakfast, walked the dogs and made the bed. We left the RV park at 10:30 or 10:45 AM and Steve drove all the way to Buffalo, WY. We stayed at Deer Park Campground. It is a lovely spot and we like staying there. Although the tree did block our satellite. I made chicken vegetable soup for supper. 

The three pictures after the Wyoming state line pic are at Chugwater, WY. I can never resist taking pictures in the area. I mean with a name like Chugwater, who could resist taking pictures? 

Crossed into Wyoming about 10:50

Casper, WY

Kaycee, WY

Kaycee, WY

Kaycee, WY

Kaycee, WY

10-Fri-We completed the morning routine and then hit the road. Steve drove to Livingston, MT. We stayed at Osen’s RV Park. We have stayed there before. They are pretty friendly. We ordered pizza delivered to the RV. They have Rosa’s pizza, which we are familiar with because we have that same pizza in Bigfork. 

Deer Park Buffalo,WY

Our site at Deer Park, WY

Ranchester, WY

Wyola, MT

Greycliff, MT

Greycliff, MT

Greycliff, MT

Big Timber, MT

Big Timber, MT

Big Timber, MT

Livingston, MT

11-Sat-We decided to take it easy today and stay another night here. We did a load of laundry and otherwise relaxed. 

This little house is at the back of Osen's RV Park - Not sure if it is a tiny house or a rental or what.

12-Sun-We did our usual morning routine and left for Echo Lake. We got gas at Belgrade, MT. We arrived at Echo Lake (Near Bigfork, MT) about 5:00 PM. Before we actually get to Echo Lake we stop at the convenience store in Ferndale and fill up with gas and propane. That way we have gas for the generator in case there is an electric outage. And it is always good to have plenty of propane on board. We were pooped. We only hooked up the electric and then rested. 

Bozeman, MT

Bozeman, MT

Bozeman, MT
There is a mountain pass called Bozeman Pass. Snow covered mountains here!

The continental divide near Butte. Homestake Pass

Seeley Lake, MT

Swans on Echo Lake, MT

13-Mon-We slept in a bit today. then we did our regular morning stuff including walking the dogs. We went into Bigfork to go to the hardware store (Sliter’s) and the grocery store (Harvest Foods). We really love both of these businesses. It is so handy to have these close. Our boss Tony P. was here today. We did some paperwork. Then we putzed around. We also took a nap today. 


14-Tue-We did all the usual things this morning including the chores. I helped Steve straighten the shed. We also returned to Sliters and the grocery store. We had to get O rings for the hose reel and a brass connection for the RV. Steve fixed the reel, and got all the leaks stopped. I made chicken enchilada casserole for supper.

Baby Geese with Mama

15-Wed-Today we went to Walmart after we finished our routine things. We were gone from 10:30 to 1:00 PM. Lunch was leftovers. We put up our perimeter rope and put out our mat. Sydney (Tony’s seasonal worker) brought us a new bear proof trash can and supplies along with a fire extinguisher. She just dropped these off and we didn’t get to visit. They had taken the trash can from here and put it at Somers State Park. It’s a new Montana state park at the north end of Flathead Lake. They have two hosts there and one of their duties is to make sure people pay a day use fee. We are glad that is not our job.

Mountains on the way to Kalispell

Pretty Duck

Perimeter Rope

View out the RV Door

View looking north

View looking north

Our boss sent us this picture of the shed on our way to Echo Lake. It is the shed. See the messed up trim? Someone let their boat trailer get away from them and it hit the shed. This will be one of Steve's projects to repair.