Monday, February 16, 2015

February 12, 2015 Wednesday

We got up fairly early, by 7 AM and got dressed, walked the dogs and had breakfast. We got on the road by 8:30.  We drove to Denton, TX then went east to avoid Dallas, but ended up on a road with a stoplight about every mille or two. It was a pain--but we missed Dallas, then to Greenville, Emory, Canton, next was Athens then Palestine and Crockett.  After that we went through Groveton, Moscow and Livingston - Yippee our destination!  It was along driving day--but the countryside was pretty.  We saw cattle, nice fences and big magnificent entrance gates in front of many driveways.  
Lots of places had the US flag and the Texas flag flying!  Steve did a great job driving. We drove past the Escapees driveway and had to go a few miles down the road and turn around.  We got it the second time though.  We pulled in and got our welcome packet and a camphost saw us and showed us where our site was.  
Steve got backed in and we hooked up the utilities, leveled and put out the slides.  We need more practice with the leveling jacks.  We put the doggies in their crates and went to town in search of food.  We ate at La Casita Mexican Restaurant in Livingston. We really liked thier salsa and the food was good.  We came home and collapsed--slept good.  I don't think I made it to 10:00 PM.

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