Monday, February 16, 2015

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day!
This morning we went to the Pancake Breakfast at the Care Center.  A nice lady came and explained the CARE concept and told us about her last long RV excursion to the New England area.  Then we looked at the Activity Center and checked out the Clubhouse.  
We returned to the rig and decided to check out Lake Livingston. We drove there, purchased a $10.00 day pass for the two of us and took the dogs on a short hike.  Steve took a few pictures with his new camera.  There were lots of folks out enjoying the park.
Then we took a little drive sightseeing, still haven't found any real tourist brochures.  We stopped at a cute little town, Coldsprings, TX and walked around their square.  We have seen some impressive looking court house buildings here in Texas.  We returned to the RV and watched movies:  Julie/Julia, Nebraska, and Law Abiding Citizen.  In between we walked the dogs and had supper.  Went to sleep about 11:30 PM.

February 13, 2015 Friday

We got up and had the usual routine.  Then we got the water heater started for showers. Next up--we bravely go to Walmart for groceries and other supplies.  While there we had a burger at McDonald's.  The place was jammed and it got on my nerves--so we tried to hurry.  Consequently we have started another list of things to buy!  
There is an HEB grocery store here-- I think we'll try it out next.  When we got home we walked the dogs and then Steve put a handle on the screen door.  Next up was a nap!  We had sloppy joes, chips, yogurt and fruit.  We watched a cute movie, Guilt Trip then walked the dogs and soon it will be sleepy time.

February 12, 2015 Wednesday

We got up fairly early, by 7 AM and got dressed, walked the dogs and had breakfast. We got on the road by 8:30.  We drove to Denton, TX then went east to avoid Dallas, but ended up on a road with a stoplight about every mille or two. It was a pain--but we missed Dallas, then to Greenville, Emory, Canton, next was Athens then Palestine and Crockett.  After that we went through Groveton, Moscow and Livingston - Yippee our destination!  It was along driving day--but the countryside was pretty.  We saw cattle, nice fences and big magnificent entrance gates in front of many driveways.  
Lots of places had the US flag and the Texas flag flying!  Steve did a great job driving. We drove past the Escapees driveway and had to go a few miles down the road and turn around.  We got it the second time though.  We pulled in and got our welcome packet and a camphost saw us and showed us where our site was.  
Steve got backed in and we hooked up the utilities, leveled and put out the slides.  We need more practice with the leveling jacks.  We put the doggies in their crates and went to town in search of food.  We ate at La Casita Mexican Restaurant in Livingston. We really liked thier salsa and the food was good.  We came home and collapsed--slept good.  I don't think I made it to 10:00 PM.

Maiden Voyage February 11, 2015 Wednesday

OK, today we arose about 8 AM and  had breakfast.  Then after dressing and making the bed we started staging the cothes, gadgets, foot etc.  in the kitchen to load into the RV.  But wait, I think we need to check the mail for some of Steve's medication and put the mail on hold until we return.
Went to the post office--the medication we were expecting hadn't arrived--Mary panicked.  Returned home to check the website to see if it had been sent.  It seemed to have been mailed.  Called VA Pharmacy to confirm.  Checked medication bottle--have enough on hand to stop worrying.

Back to loading the RV, must have made 10 or 15 trips.  Oh well--needs done.  Got it loaded and backed out of the driveway.  Steve put in the tow bar hitch and we attached the pickup.  Then put the Pick-up in neutral for towing, checked the lights, Thumbs up!  Next, we topped off the gas tank and we were on our way at12:40 PM.

We drove to Guthrie and stopped for a Hamburger and fries--Yum!  then we drove through OKC (no wrecks-yea!).  We stopped for a nap about 3:30 PM-Steve was too tired to keep driving.

After the nap and dog walk Steve felt like driving some more--so off we went.  We arrived at Lake Murray State Park at dusk (around 6:30 PM).  We saw two deer as we got close to the campgroud. 
We were just barely able to see them.  We parked in the loop named Elephant Rock Campground.  We pulled in and the north wind almost froze us out when we walked the dogs. Steve hooked up the electric cord and we got back inside to warm up.

Next we had a little supper and sorted through our instruction books that came with the RV.  Then another dog walk.  The stars were lovely on our walk.  Again we were stargazing.  Later the camphost came by and took our money.  Now we are tired--gonna read the kindle and rest so we can get an early start.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Feb 1, 2015 Superbowl Sunday

Wow, we have been busy in January. We bought our "New to Us" RV. We picked it up on Saturday Jan 17, 2015. We had looked at it on Jan 12 (Monday) when we were in Oklahoma City for Steve's doctor appointment. So we measured and measured to see if it would fit in our RV port at home and thought it would work. But when we got home - - guess what? The satellite dish would not fit. Oh boy! So the next day on Sunday - Steve was able to take the dish off and it barely fit in the RV Port. We are extremely excited because it has 2 slides and hydraulic leveling jacks. It is a 2004 Winnebago Adventurer. We can't wait to get in and go for a shakedown trip - that is planned for Feb 11, 2014. We have been moving stuff inside and Steve had to replace the radio. We want to check the shocks and get them replaced and possibly some new front tires. Not sure what else - that is why we will take a shakedown trip next week! Can't wait!