Wednesday, September 28, 2022

June 16 - June 26, 2022 We Have Company!

Logan, Kristi and John across the lake

June 16 -Thursday - We were up and around in good time this morning. There was a mix up on the Kayak delivery - So we got everybody around and drove to Glacier National Park. Steve took pictures of Logan for his Senior announcements. It was a beautiful day, 71 ° and mostly sunny.  After our tour and the picture taking was over we ate at the Dairy Queen in Columbia Falls. There aren’t many options for eating out when you end your evening late. On our return from Glacier - we saw a huge herd of elk. 

Gateway to Glacier NP

Lake McDonald

Krisit, Poopsie  and John

Lake McDonald 

Water over Dock

Lake McDonald

Steve & Logan 

Elk herd we saw on our way home. Called the 206 herd. 

John & Kristi

June 17 - Friday - We did all the usual things for our morning routine. The kids came out from the camp site in Wayfarer State park. Kristi cooked breakfast on the Blackstone griddle. Later they floated in inner tubes. Logan and I went into town to get some more fest maps and a few groceries. I could not for the life of me find the forest maps that I thought I brought from home. Oh well. We had sandwiches for lunch.We just relaxed during the afternoon. The kids tried to hike the Echo Broken Leg trail - but it was flooded - so that was a no go. For supper we went to Burger Town in Bigfork ! They have the best hamburgers. Some of us also got huckleberry shakes! It rained overnight!


Our dock is underwater

The kayaks were delivered

June 18 -Saturday- We were up at 8 AM. I texted Tony P. about the dock being under water. The kids paddled their kayaks all around the lake. Tony came down to pull the dock out. Chuck the game warden drove through = but didn’t get out of his vehicle. It was pretty busy, but there were no big problems. Supper tonight was at the Split Rock Cafe. Then we returned to the RV and had a lovely campfire and S’mores. 

Logan at the Campfire

June 19- Sunday - Today we woke up to rain. It was Father’s Day. Steve and Logan took apart Kristi’s car. It is leaking due to the rain. Logan and Kristi did some kayaking. Mainly we just hung out at the RV. Supper was Hamburgers and chips at home. 

Kristi & Logan kayaking


June 20 - Monday - It rained all day! Kristi John and Logan left at 8:30 and drove to Polebridge. Steve and I hibernated in the RV most of the day. When the got got back we all napped and stayed inside. They brought us a Huckleberry Bear Claw. It is the best! If you are ever near Glacier - do not miss the trip to Polebridge for a Huckleberry Bear Claw! It is worth the drive! The kids also went shopping at the Huckleberry Store in Hungry Horse. John bought 5 packages of Huckleberry Coffee, which he loves! Tonight’s supper was tacos!

June 21 - Tuesday - It rained this morning. We stayed in the RV until the rain let up. The rain finally stopped about 11 AM and we got the dogs out. Poopsie doesn’t feel good. I think the rainy weather makes here old joints hurt like the rest of us. Kristi and John wen to Holland Lake to hike to the falls. John proposed at the falls and Kristi accepted! So now they are officially engaged! WooHoo. Steve and Logan worked to repair the step on the RV. About 3 PM Kristi and John got back - and it started raining again. They left for the hotel and supper out. They ate at Pesca- which has some fancy food. Kristi didn’t think we would like it. I guess we aren’t sophisticated enough. She said the food was really good there. Steve and Logan finished the step. Later we took Logan for Pizza at Rosa’s!

June 22- Wednesday - It was 55 ° when we got up this morning. We did our walk and the chores. I put the TENS unit on Steve because his back was hurting. Everybody hung out this afternoon until supper. Kristi, John and Logan started getting their stuff together (packing) for the trip home. We went to Sliter’s for plumber’s putty, hauled the trash and got a Huckleberry Smoothie. That was good also! We went to the Flathead Lake Brewing Company for supper. Then we had ice cream at the RV!

Flathead Lake View from the Parking lot of the Restaurant

June 23 - Thursday - We all got up and after getting things around we walked the dogs. Then we went to town for breakfast. This morning we went to PocketStone Cafe.  It was another great meal with wonderful company. We said our good byes and see ya laters and then the kids left us to head back home. We returned to the RV. I started Poopsie on Glucosamine to see if she can start feeling better. 

Logan & Stege


John, Logan, Kristi, Mary, Steve and the Bigfork!

June 24 - Friday We were up at 8:15 and did our regular routing. It was 49 ° and cloudy when we got up. We gathered up all the laundry and went to town to complete it. Tony P was here for awhile after we got back from the laundry. He gave us some No Fireworks signs to put up. We did weed eating in the afternoon.

June 25 Saturday - We woke up to a sunny day! So after all the routine tasks, we started weed eating. We did it most of the morning. We did most of the weedeating on the road side outside the gate. Then we ate lunch and rested. Tony didn’t come down today. We had a mess at the east end of the parking lot. Today was very busy! Some days I don’t know where all these people come from.

June 26 - Sunday - We got up at 9:15. After the routine stuff I was outside a lot! It was like herding cats! I was telling people not to park on the outgoing road. We had greater than 50 vehicles outside the gate and 35 inside the parking lot. It was very BUSY! There were lot of folks here.Our dog Poopsie was doing better today.That makes us happy. 

1 comment:

  1. The most beautiful country in the U.S. I do love kayaking!!!
