Thursday, December 18, 2014

October 15, 2014 - Mountain Grove, MO

We drove to Mountain Grove, MO today. My grandparents used to live here when I was about 7 or 8. I wanted to see if I could find their place - no luck. Of course since that was about 50 years ago - the roads and scenery have probably changed. We checked out the square and where Steve's old trucking company had an office. It was a nice drive. We had lunch at McDonald's (salad), then drove home. I am doubtful that we saw Grandma & Grandad's place, but we did see some that might have been their place. It is difficult to chase 50 plus year old memories. They had a tall tree with a swing - we spent hours swinging and jumping into the green grass below. They had a huge garden and raised a lot of corn. I remember sitting under a big tree shucking corn when I stayed with them. They also did not have indoor plumbing - which meant trips to the outhouse and baths in a big washtub. My sister said we used to go to town to the library when we were kids. I dropped in at the library, but it was in a different location and they could not help me find the location of my grandparents' place. Better luck next time! It is still a very pretty location to look around.

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