Monday, April 23, 2018

Another Month Has almost passed! Where does the time go? April 23, 2018

Wow! I don't know where the time goes, I am behind again. I was trying to do two posts per month while we are home - but I guess I have been lax.  Many days are somewhat mundane  - just routine tasks, like paying bills, doing laundry, cooking, computer stuff and entertaining ourselves with TV.
On Friday, the 30th of March - we worked on our riding lawnmower - Steve did, the brakes are not good - but he really can't get to them and it is 15 years old - so we will probably buy a new one when they are on sale! He also tried to adjust the Steer Safe on our RV - it was pulling to the right and that is not what it should do.
On Saturday - we went to El Reno and picked up my car from Kristi - she had been using it til she got the new to her, other car. We also went to Lowe's for stuff and ate at Braum's here in Perry when we got home. Sunday (Easter & April Fool's Day), Steve worked on the Steer Safe again and we took a joy ride up the interstate and around. I think he thinks it is better.
On Monday, April 2nd We took the RV to Camping World to get the Air Conditioner fixed. Tuesday we were back in Oklahoma City at the VA to get an Ultra Sound of Steve's Thyroid at the VA. While there we also checked on his orthotics and stopped at Camping World to check on the progress of the RV Air Conditioner.  On Thursday, the 5th of April - I got a perm in my hair - so it will be easier to fix. Friday and the week-end were somewhat uneventful. It has been colder in April than I ever remember. We have even had nights below freezing. I am so ready for spring!
Monday, April 9th, brought the usual things like laundry and floor cleaning. I also confirmed the price on our yard mowing. Tuesday we picked the orthotics at the VA and the RV at Camping World. When we got home I drove the pickup down to the post office to check the mail and it would not start when I came back out. Steve came down in the car and got it going by removing the battery cable and putting it back on - kind of a reset of sorts. We were googling what could be wrong. Anyway no problems since then. It seems that Steve's thyroid nodule on his right thyroid is benign and needs checked in one year - it is too small (4 mm) to biopsy.
On Wednesday the 11th of April - the dogs got their vaccinations for the year! Boy were they surprised about that pickup ride.
Zoey (Poopsie)

I think we did more routine shopping at Walmart on Thursday and paid bills on Friday. I also mopped the floor in the RV.
This week-end was a little more exciting - Kristi and the kids came up Friday night and we ate supper at La Macarena. On Saturday we went to Stillwater and celebrated Logan's 13th birthday at Texas Roadhouse. We got him a couple of video games and new shoes! He was pretty happy with his presents and the cake & ice cream! On Sunday we ordered Pizza for lunch and then they had to return  home.  The kids have been out of school two weeks while the teacher had a walk-out to try to improve Education Funding in this state! I am all for that. I wish our legislature would get on the ball and take care of education in our state.  A few pictures of the teacher walk - out when we were at OKC.

Smoky skies from Oklahoma Fires!

Another week and the laundry returns including washing bedding for the RV. I also mowed and picked up limbs in the front yard. Steve helped with the limbs. He has to be careful in the front because of the Sycamore trees - sometime they give him an asthma attack.  My sister's husband had a hip replacement in South Carolina - where they snowbird at. They only kept him in the hospital overnight. I thought that was not too nice. Steve worked on the flower beds in the front and I helped him.  Friday, the 20th we went to Enid and had lunch with my sister Pam. She & I shopped at Dillard's and then we came back home.  Saturday morning the 21st of April - the nursing home called and said they had taken my sister Nancy to the hospital in OKC. So I called her and she was doing OK. When I called back - they had her in ICU. So on Sunday the 22nd- we drove to OKC to see her. She seemed good and got to move to a regular room.

Hopefully everyone stays well. Today was another routine Monday - and we took a nice walk tonight. Steve is going to the VA again on Wednesday to talk to the Surgery department about the pain he has from his hernia - Of course now that he made an appointment - his area doesn't hurt. I have a routine doctor's appointment tomorrow and Steve has an additional two appointments before we can leave and head north!
We are looking forward to our summer in Montana! We are crossing our fingers that everything holds and we can get traveling soon!
Flower beds ready for rain & planting

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