Monday, June 15, 2020

Jun 1 - Jun 7, 2020 Out of Quarantine and a trip to Jewel Basin with some other fun stuff thrown in!

Eagle in tree on our way to Kalispell

Sunset June 1

Ducks on the lake

Mon-Jun 1

Today we are officially off quarantine in the state of Montana. We are also still out of electricity. We did our usual morning routine then hung out in the RV and watched TV. We just snacked around for lunch and later sat outside and had a fire. We went back inside and played rummy for a while. Our boss, Tony Powell called to check on us and we told him we were doing OK. The dogs wanted to go out - so we walked them. When we finished we decided to go ahead and go to Kalispell to Walmart, even though it was late. After completing our Walmart run we got supper at Chic-Fil-A and returned home. We finished our night with a walk and some TV. 

Two Deer near Echo Lake

Tue-Jun 2

It was 56 degrees when we got up this morning-still no electricity. This isn’t too bad because we have a generator and the weather is cool. After getting up and dressed I had my WW Zoom meeting. Next we walked the dogs and did our chores. We sat outside a bit and I talked to Marsha. Then the wind came up and we went back inside to eat lunch. Steve & Logan cleared the path I use to drag the hose to the outdoor potty. It had some logs and small branches obstructing it. Then we hauled off our trash and checked the Bigfork Fishing Access site. We also bought some water in gallon jugs in case we still didn't have electricity at the RV. We use the generator for our electric needs, but the well that pumps our water does not have access to our generator. We had not thought ahead and filled our fresh water holding tank. So that was our main problem with the electricity being out - no running water. We did have plenty of drinking water and lake water though. Anyway when we arrived back to the RV the ELECTRICITY came on at 3:57 PM!  Yea! I washed dishes and we had chili for supper. Plus, we were able to take showers tonight!

Wed-Jun 3

Pretty much a routine day with the addition of weed eating. We loaned out a life jacket today. Logan helped an older guy drag his boat back to shore. I think some of us took an afternoon nap and then I fixed orange chicken and rice for supper along with salad. 

Thu-Jun 4

This morning after doing our routine things, we did more weed eating and picked up trash on the road coming into our access site. After lunch our boss came down and visited with us a bit. We signed our volunteer papers. He and Steve put up the lifejackets and its sign. It did have its own sign, but that was blown down last winter so he took down the old boating sign and replaced it with the lifejacket sign. We drove up to Jewel Basin after that was finished. You can’t get all the way to the trailhead, because the snow has not melted. Logan wanted to see the snow. We walked again and had a campfire. Supper was pizza and salad. 

It was a pretty big day! 

Fri-Jun 5

We were up and around late today. After doing our chores we went to Echo Lake Cafe for lunch. I got a pancake, egg, and sausage (the pancake is 6-8” big), Logan had a short stack and Steve had a patty melt. None of us could finish our meals. Too much food. But it was good. We hauled our trash and went to the access site to clean it. Then there was a stop at the forest office for a new forest map. I either misplaced my old one or did not pack it this trip. We need it to go exploring. We walked, had supper and watched TV this evening. 

Sat-Jun 6

It was a routine morning. We had rain most of the day. Lunch was turkey bacon and scrambled eggs. I finally got around to trying out my new air frier for supper! We had pork chops, air fried potatoes and salad for supper. The air fryer I got was small and didn’t do many potatoes at once. Anyway it worked OK, but is not fast. 

Sun-Jun 7

Again it rained most of the day. We only went out of the RV to walk the dogs. We picked up lunch at the Dairy Queen in town and brought it back to the RV to eat. Most of the afternoon was spent watching Cabin Masters and Homestead shows. Supper was chili and chips. 

My advice for anyone coming to Montana is wait until after the 3rd week in June to arrive. From my experience, June is a rainy month for Montana and sometimes a little too chilly! I am glad I have my electric blanket and long underwear and sweatshirts!

Today would have been my sister Nancy's birthday. If she were still with us she would have been 70. I miss her. I miss all my loved ones who have passed. 

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