Friday, October 12, 2018

Hanging out at Cody, WY Sept 20 - 22, 2018 Thursday, Friday & Saturday

When we got u#p on Thursday - we decided we would hang out here at Cody for a few days since we needed to go to Walmart, do so laundry and Steve's back was giving him fits.
So the first thing we did on Thursday was go to the campground office and pay for 3 more nights.  While we were there, I inquired if they knew of a good chiropractor in the area. The older guy who was waiting on us - said yes, and called him and got Steve an appointment for 11:00 AM.  That was really helpful!
Bear with Bones

So we went to the chiropractor and then back to the RV so Steve could take it easy.  They have these painted bears around Cody that look like they are sitting and turned around. The chiropractor had one in front of his office that looked a little scary because it had bone painted on it.
Later in the day we made a Walmart run and saw a beautiful sunset.  We picked up supper at Wendy's  and returned to the RV.
Sunset - Cody Walmart
Friday rolled around and we decided to do our laundry here at the RV Park so that would be caught up. After that we just hung out at the RV and relaxed. Steve had his TENS unit on his back and sat in his special recliner.

Shoshone River that runs through Cody, WY
White Buffalo Statue
 They have these Buffalo statues around town that are sitting and turned - I did not get a picture of one. They are painted in different colors and are scattered through town. I did get a picture of this White Buffalo statue that was downtown.

Saturday we took the dogs for a little drive and found a nice park where we walked and killed some time. We also had lunch at a Mexican restaurant. And it was really good.

My fajitas! Yum!
When we got back we had water on the floor by the bathroom/shower area. We looked and found out that the shower was full of water. We  had not turned off the water at the handle - instead it was only turned off at the top (the one that pauses it when you shower). So we dealt with that, draining the gray tank, and soaking up the water with towels and putting the fan out to help things dry out.  Boy were we lucky that we got home and found that when we did. After that we watched the Oklahoma State Cowboys get beat by Texas Tech.  That was not what we wanted. Tomorrow we will head south and east again.
There are tons of things to do in Cody. With Steve not feeling up to par - we didn't do them. That is OK - we will try to return. We did enjoy what we did - the walks and drives.
The biggest attraction is the Buffalo Bill Center of the West a collection of five museums. I could have went by myself - but what is the fun in that?  There is also the Buffalo Bill Dam Visitor Center, Old Trail Town (we have seen it before), The Irma Hotel (been there),  Buffalo Bill State Park, Cody Rodeo (over for the season) and Cody's historic downtown. We had been to Cody before - and I didn't recall all the things there were to do here. I know before we at at the famous Irma Hotel (Buffalo Bill's Bar & Hotel). We didn't go to the rodeo - because I've been to a million of those.  I think the first time we came to Cody- we were intent on getting to Yellowstone -so we did not properly appreciate it. Now I know what else we need to see - so we will try hard to return and hope Steve's back is better in order to give it a full go!

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